The Cornerstone Pathfinder Club

Do you want your child to practice Christian values and stewardship, gain confidence, build strong friendships and strengthen his or her relationship with Jesus?

Our older youth and teens grades 5-12 participate in activities filled with action, adventure, challenge and cooperation through our pathfinder club. lifelong friendships are built on shared values, trust and love for each other and Christ.


Lead by Example

The Cornerstone (C-Stone) Pathfinders Club is a Church-centered recreational and spiritual program, which is designed for both boys and girls, grades 5 through 12. Our program offers action, adventure, challenge and group activities that produce team spirit and loyalty to Christ.

Pathfinder Youth:

1. Learn Christian values

2. Explore new hobbies and skills

3. Enjoy safe and exciting adventures

4. Discover what teamwork is all about

5. Cultivate courage, self-reliance, honesty, loyalty, and kindness

6. Learn under the guidance of mature Christian counselors

7. Expand their leadership skills

8. Develop self-discipline

9. Experience the joy of serving others

This philosophy of our Pathfinder Club is built on the premise that children learn best by example. As they see leaders and parents model positive spiritual and social values, they will aspire to develop high moral principles, loving and caring attitudes, and determination to excel in everything they do.