Pathfinders must know and continually strive to follow the Pledge of Allegiance, Pathfinder Pledge, Pathfinder Law, Pathfinder Aim and the Pathfinder Motto.
Pathfinders must also know the Pathfinder Song (Cornerstone style).
Pathfinder Essentials
Pathfinders must know and continually strive to follow the Pledge of Allegiance, Pathfinder Pledge, Pathfinder Law, Pathfinder Aim and the Pathfinder Motto.
Pathfinders must also know the Pathfinder Song (Cornerstone style).
Pledge of Allegiance
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,
and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God,
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Pathfinder Pledge
By the grace of God,
I will be pure, kind and true
I will keep the Pathfinder Law
I will be a servant of God and a friend to man.
Pathfinder Law
The pathfinder law is for me to:
Keep the morning watch
Do my honest part
Care for my body
Keep a level eye
Be courteous and obedient
Walk softly in the sanctuary
Keep a song in my heart
Go on God’s errands.
Pathfinder Aim/Motto
The advent message to all the world in this generation
The love of Christ constraineth us